New year, new job, new schedule. Lots of changes. This isn’t a declaration of a new year’s resolution, or a revelation of an epiphany on how life really is, or should be. But, a lot of things have changed since I last posted anything here, so perhaps it’s just time to try something different and see how that goes.
If you’ve been out here before you’ll likely notice some things have changed. I am narrowing down the number of things I’m working on. With everything else going on in life it’s just not possible to sustain any decent progress or focus on EVERYTHING. @.@ For the time being I am focusing on my music. Any photography, writing, or other crafting, if posted, will be the products of a mood, or fancy.
That being said, there are a number of new photos that I will add as soon as I figure out how to either resync the new photos ap with iweb (dont judge me), or upgrade the whole damn site to some other webpage builder since iweb is actually dead and burried and speaking of that whole narrowing my focus, well, apparently in order to make these posts I have to add “KLS.com2.0” to that list. ~@.@~
I am also leaving my writing page up here as it links to things I’ve already published, and may decide to post a few other things there. Just don’t hold your breath.
In terms of music, I have spent a lot of time over the past few years writing new material and finishing older things. I have a decently sized and growing inventory of “finished” things, and more in the works. I hope to start recording these later in the spring or summer. I’ll let you know if I post anything before then, of course!
I’ve also started jamming with other musicians!! So much fun! Now that I’m doing it I can’t believe it took so long to try it out. I can’t guarantee you’ll hear anything from us for a while, but… You never know!
I’m going to try to post more regular updates here, once a month or so. Slow but steady progress, yes?
Once again, this is not a resolution.