
Katrina Louise Sandle is a creature of many interests and talents.  Like her mother before her, she likes to dabble all across the arts, and is presently a musician, author, designer of various fashion things, and amateur photographer.

Having started her adult life with the belief that education was a waste of time and that starting a career early was the only road to success, she managed somehow to skip the trade school straight into 40 hour white collar work only to conclude that life as a full time student was the way to go.  Five years later, she found herself with various diplomas and certificates that qualify her for little to no work in the back woods of Wisconsin she then called home.  Of the many things she studied, languages, and the quirkiness of human culture and how little we really understand about ourselves continues to pique her interest.

Musically speaking, she has been studying it’s art since the undisciplined age of 4 when she began violin lessons.  Shortly after piano and guitar were added to the mix, eventually replacing the dear old fiddle all together.   And through all this she could always be heard singing along with the radio, which provided influences of country from her grandmother, classic rock from her dad (though I suppose it wasn’t classic to him at the time), and good old folk and 80’s pop from her mom.  Choosing and sticking to one genre is boring anyway…  She began writing her own music at the age of only 12, and teaching at the age of 15.  This eventually lead to completing a minor in music theory and composition while attending university.

Writing has been the career goal since elementary school when she wrote her first juvenile novel.  Though the progress has been slow, and the theory behind the writing has gone through several overhauls, it still remains the overall endgame to Miss Sandle’s future.  At present there are two works of modern fiction she is busy furiously polishing, and then then eventually another 10-12 novels, of an unrelated nature, she plans to get to over the next decade or two.  In the mean time, the microfiction genre has opened of a lovely world of opportunity to still get out there and keep everyone entertained.

So yes, there is a lot to know about the world of Katrina Louise Sandle, and a lot going on at any point in time.  But life wasn’t meant to be simple.  After all, choosing and sticking to just one thing is boring anyway…