It appears the winds have turned. The year has not been empty or uneventful, but perhaps simply lacking in the types of updates I would like to be providing. I quit the band in January. …I mean, I did buy a house, and oh my did I ever get what I asked for when I said “fixer-upper”. Three months disappeared with nothing but bathroom renovation (resulting in actually having a shower! Fancy, huh?). I was making really solid compositional progress, which thankfully included notation, but I was also practicing originals a TON. TON I say! …and then per usual something else (the bathroom project) came up and I quit cold turkey. Right in the middle of several projects.
But it has been several months since the bathroom was completed* and I still, as yet, have not been able to get back into a steady habit of practicing [anything]. I started working with the guitar player again recently, but so far it looks like that was short lived. It’s been a week since I picked anything up.
Now in a down swing, I begin to wonder if it wouldn’t be best to focus on the writing again (it has been a few years after all), and focus on the crafts my solitary nature excels at: rhuminating, dwelling, and waxing poetically. The climate certainly encourages a certain proclivity to wander off into a calmer, quieter land, free from the struggles of modern adult existance with it’s hundreds of daily demands and political opinions brandished about with the riteous conviction of some comercial religion.
So, there’s that. Then there’s also this writer’s convention I signed up to attend next week. ^.^ 21 ways to get published you say? Yes, I do believe I need to attend that.
We’ll see what I learn…